Five ways to keep kids active

Want to keep kids healthy, happy and active? Check out our top five ways to exercise through play, keeping your little ones moving…

Kids that are getting a good amount of exercise will feel the benefits in everything from bone and muscle strength to concentration skills and mood. It’s good to incorporate a mixture of moderate and vigorous activity into each week. Examples of moderate activity include walking, cycling and riding a scooter, while vigorous activity includes playing chase, energetic dancing, jumping, gymnastics and football. According to the NHS website, children and parents should be aiming for the following:

  • Kids aged five to 16 need to be active for at least 60 minutes each day
  • Kids under five need three hours of activity a day 

Here are our top tips for having fun and keeping active…

Walk one mile 

The Daily Mile campaign was initiated by headmistress Elaine Wyllie, when she realised that her pupils, like many others, were not as fit as they could be. The aim of the daily mile is to improve the physical, emotional and social health of children, regardless of age or personal circumstances. Whether children walk, skip or run, the goal remains the same. Teachers have seen a change in concentration levels, mood, behaviour and general wellbeing in kids that have incorporated this into their daily routine. A fitness tracker can be a fun way to time this, or you can simply spend 15 minutes making your way around the block. 

Water play 

Nothing will get kids moving like a spray of ice cold water. Whether you pick up some cheap water shooters and head to the park or get out the garden hose, this activity should keep everyone from toddlers to teens happy. Want to try something new? Turn a traditional egg and spoon race on its head by switching the eggs for water bombs – the winner will then get to chase his or her victims with their water bomb intact. One word of warning, you need to be able to give as good as you get. 

Treasure hunt

Whether you’re searching for Pokémon, some fake gold coins or just pieces of cut out paper, you may be surprised at just how fast kids move when there’s a treasure hunt on offer. Spread your treasure around high and low, whether it’s indoors, in your garden or at the local park. This is a great game for kids in a team or a child playing solo. If you want to go the whole hog then you can make a treasure map look authentic with a bit of tea staining. There are plenty of treasure hunt clues and free printable graphics if you look online. Prizes can include stickers, fake costume jewellery, stick-on badges or just honour! 

Let’s dance

Simply turning on some music and dancing with your kids is a lovely way to spend a rainy afternoon. Have a competition for the craziest dance move, try your hand at breakdancing, bellydancing or even keeping a hula hoop up. It’s remarkable how much entertainment a couple of balloons can create too. See who can win at the ‘keeping them from touching the floor’ game – you never know, they may have an Olympic career ahead of them. The only equipment you’ll need is a good soundtrack.

Time them 

If your child has a bit of competitive spirit, try using a stopwatch and time them running the length of the park – they’ll be keen to beat their personal best. You may also be amazed at how quickly their time improves with regular practice. Try adding in star jumps or hopping on one foot for comedy effect. If your child is having friends over then you could even host a mini sports day using our ideas for games and treats. 

By Lily Barclay

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